2) Carrollton Hounds
3) Berkel & Company
4) Flood Zone Brewery
5) Cre8 It
6) SS Drunken Hobo
7) FloodMania
9) Greene's Trucking, Inc.
10) New Windsor Fire Department
11) Union Bridge Fire Department
Vote for your favorite boat!
Continue to details below. Thank you for your support in our fundraising event!
5th Annual Anchored Mini Boat Parade
Benefiting Union Bridge &
New Windsor Fire Departments
July 17-21, 2024

Vote For Boats!
Voting for your Favorite Boat
Visit the The Flood Zone during regular business hours between Wednesday, July 17 and Sunday, July 21 (voting ends Sunday at 3:00pm). There is a voting box where you add your monetary donation for your favorite boat! All boats are numbered, so you just place your votes in the box(es) of your choice! Cash, credit or checks accepted.
(Checks made payable to Flood Zone Brewery)
Current placement of boats in order of votes received, will be posted each day.
NO CASH? NO PROBLEM! You can add your vote to your tab! Get a receipt from the bartender, add the boat number that you voted for and place the receipt in the voting box (or we can do this for you).
You can vote through the VOTING DONATION link. *Online votes will not be counted in daily totals. Online voting ends Saturday at midnight and will be calculated in the total votes on Sunday.
You can vote for the following boats:
Berkel & Company
Carrollton Hounds
Cre8 It
Flood Zone Brewery
Greene's Trucking, Inc.
New Windsor Fire Department
SS Drunken Hobo
Union Bridge Fire Department​
Boats will be anchored in Little Pipe Creek from
Wednesday, July 17 through Sunday, July 21, 2024
Come out and vote for your favorite boats!
(in monetary donations)
The public will compete, and prizes will be given to the boats who raise the most money in sponsors and votes. (Details to enter a boat below)
1st place prize $500 * 2nd place prize $250 * 3rd place prize $100
Captains (+1) are invited to the Captain's Lounge for appetizers on boat launch day (7/17) and will receive an event gift
The fire departments will compete for a $2,000 prize and a chance to win the Agnes Cup, which will be displayed in their department for a year.​ ALL FIRE DEPARTMENTS ARE INVITED TO ENTER A BOAT!
Launch Party on Wednesday with DJ Matt Phelps
Live Music all Weekend
Dunk Booth
Prizes to Boats with the Most Votes
more details to follow
​100% of all funds collected benefit Union Bridge & New Windsor Fire Departments;
sponsorships, voting and additional donations, and dunk booth
Boat Sponsorships
Sailboat Sponsorship
-Sponsor a boat for $50 or more
-Name on banner displayed all week of event
Fishing Vessel Sponsorship
-Sponsor a boat for $250 or more
-Name on banner displayed all week of event
-Invitation to Captain’s Lounge for Appetizers 5-7pm on Boat Launch Day (7/17)
Yacht Sponsorship
-Sponsor a boat for $500 or more
-Name on banner displayed all week of event
-Invitation to Captain’s Lounge for Appetizers 5-7pm on Boat Launch Day (7/17)
-Special event gift
-Special mention on social media
To Sponsor a Boat by Credit Card, Click the Link Below.
Email us at floodzonebrewery@gmail.com to pick up your sponsor check.
Sponsorships are due by July 11.
A Boat!
Enter A Boat!
(link below rules)
AHOY MATEYS!! All you sailors, pirates, fisherman, yachtsman, and other boat enthusiasts get your duck tape, paper clips, and super glue ready for the 5th Annual Flood Zone Brewery Anchored Mini Boat Parade!
We also invite all fire departments to enter a boat at a chance to win the coveted Agnes Cup and $2,000 for their station!
Build a boat! Complete the ENTRY FORM (link below rules) (online entries only) ENTRY FEE WAIVED THIS YEAR!
Get business sponsors! Minimum sponsorship $50 (Sponsor payment link)
Boat anchored in Little Pipe Creek from July 17-21
Patrons vote in monetary donations for their favorite boat
100% of ALL funds collected (sponsorship donations, voting donations, dunk booth) are split between Union Bridge & New Windsor Fire Departments!
Prizes will be awarded to 1st ($500), 2nd ($250) and 3rd ($100) place for the boats with the most cash donations and sponsorships combined! PLUS Captains (+1) are invited to the Captain's Lounge for complementary appetizers on boat launch day (7/17) from 5-7pm.
>The fire departments will be competing separately for the Agnes Cup and a $2,000 cash prize<
DATES to display & voting: July 17-21
Voting Ends: July 21 at 3pm
Winners Announced: July 21 at ~4pm
Secure as many sponsors for your boat as you can!​
Entry form will open online May 1
The maximum boat dimensions are: 5’ L x 18” W x 4’ H
Any captain can enter and build a boat, but the boat should float.
Boats must have hardware for mooring, and lights are suggested, but not required.
Captains must get at least 1 sponsor, minimum $50 per sponsor. Sponsor names and donations are due to Flood Zone Brewery by July 11 (this is a strict deadline for banner printing). Sponsors are encouraged to be visible on the boat with some form of artwork provided to captains (stickers, material with logo, etc.)
Boats launch will be 4:00-5:00pm on Wednesday, July 17. *Contact us at floodzonebrewery@gmail.com if other arrangements need to be made. Boats will be on display for 5 days in the creek for voting. We will assist Captains with putting their boat in the water.
Boats must be removed immediately following the announcement of winners on Sunday, July 21.
Voting by patrons will be throughout the weekend, in CASH monetary donations (although we can accept votes by check made to Flood Zone Brewery or credit card at the register). Please, promote your boat!
**If bad weather is in the forecast, we will help remove your boat from the creek.
Checks made payable to Flood Zone Brewery.